Michael Garland

One of the perks of knowing nationally acclaimed artists is that they know other talented artists who I am lucky to run into as well. Such is the case with Michael Garland who has quite a few accomplishments under his belt.
New York Times best-selling author and illustrator Michael Garland’s greatest success has been for writing and illustrating children’s picture books. Garland’s Miss Smith’s Incredible Storybook won the California and Delaware State Reading Awards. He is author and illustrator of thirty-seven children’s picture books and illustrator for more than forty books by other authors.

Michael has illustrated a number of recent books, including Birds Make Nests, Fish Had a Wish, Daddy Played the Blues, Two Men and a Car, Big and Little are Best Friends, Grandpa’s Tractor, Kirkus, Miss Smith and the Haunted Library – Just to name a few. These books have been gives some high accolades. Birds Make Nests was the Correll Book 2018 Children’s Picture Book for Excellence. His art for Grandpa’s Tractor was selected for the Original Art of Children’s Book Show at the Society of Illustrators in New York City. Miss Smith and the Haunted Library made the New York Times Best Seller list. In fact, you can see all the books he’s illustrated at garlandpicturebooks.com.

Michael Garland’s work has won many honors and is frequently included in the Society of Illustrators and the Original Art of Children’s book show as well annuals from Print, Graphis and Communications Arts magazines. Recently, Michael Garland was included on the list of the top one hundred Irish Americans by Irish American Magazine.

Michael Garland has illustrated cover commissions for Forbes, Fortune and Newsweek magazines as well as best selling novels.

Michael is frequently asked to speak at schools, literary conferences and festivals across the country.

Michael is also a fine art painter with many paintings in private and corporate collections throughout the country. You can see some work here, but please go to garlandpicturebooks.com and michaelgarlandfineart.com to see all of his wonderful work!